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Whether the production workshop of cosmetic gift box is clean is equally important

2021-08-18 06:01:18

Yesterday saw a news, says it is a city of cockroaches was found in a cosmetics production workshop, immediately up, many of the fans of the brand or long-term users have condemned the brand irresponsible, packaging plant in after reading the news, also began its own reflection, although the nature of the cosmetics box factory products is a cosmetic boxes, It is not that consumers will directly contact things smeared on their faces, but if there are health problems, there will still be some adverse consequences, so friends will go to the cosmetics box factory inspection, there will be a cosmetic gift box customized things can be judged on the basis of oh.

Believe that there are a lot of friends will say, cosmetics gift box custom-made workshop or factory is not dirty dirty, should also lift not what the wind and waves, as long as the packaging plant production in Shanghai custom box is in conformity with the specifications, so don't need to tube so much, think is important to not affect the appearance of the box, don't dirty, basically still acceptable, so want to, You might want to be careful, because here's what I'm going to tell you.

As is known to all, general cosmetic gift box custom-made environment is in the factory, your home village inside there won't be an industrial production unit, so to speak, in its own make-up box manufacturers in the production of the surrounding environment is mixed with many other industries production range, so the interaction between the dust is inevitable, It is good that we can know that the dust we produce is mainly some paper scraps in line with the specifications of Shanghai packaging factory, but other dust floating in with the air, can you guarantee that it is 100% not allergic to human body? I believe no one would dare to write that guarantee.

May have a friend will say, why the dust on the box will be allergic, but consumers isn't that a little bullshit, I don't know to read this girl to have such a habit, in open some box at the same time, if the smell the aroma, will involuntarily leaned forward to smell it, and if so, congratulations, one of which is the typical close contact, After hand grasping and so on, it is not a detailed count, so dear friends, whether the production workshop of customized cosmetics gift box is clean is also a standard to consider and measure.

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